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Jennie Jenkins


Will you wear white, oh my dear, oh my dear?

Oh will you wear white Jennie Jenkins?

I won’t wear white for the color is too bright,

I’ll buy me a fol-de-rol-dy, til-de-toldy,

Seek-a-double, use-a-cause-a, roll-a find me

Roll, Jennie Jenkins, roll. 


Will you wear red…I won’t wear red it’s the color of my head…


Will you wear blue…I won’t wear blue ‘cause it just won’t do…


Will you wear green…I won’t wear green for it’s the color of a bean…


Will you wear rose…I won’t wear rose for it’s the color of my nose…


Will you wear gold…I won’t wear gold ‘cause it will make me look to old….


Will you wear brown…I won’t wear brown it’s the color of the ground…


Will you wear yellow…I won’t wear yellow ‘cause it’s just too mellow…


Will you wear grey…I won’t wear gray it’ll ruin my day…


What will you wear….I have nothing to wear, I can’t go anywhere…



Dialogue and conversation songs such as “Jennie Jenkins” were common in Early America.

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